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"Tuesday Nights with Passion" is us coming together with passion for God and His Word, to encourage, pray for each other, and learn. â€‹The Bible is full of messages and stories and like the book of Numbers with it's genealogies and lists of laws, it can be hard to pull a message out of a book that doesn't always present it's message in straight forward manner. So we are going to go through the Bible one book at a time, in order to gain a deeper understanding of this, sometimes confusing, collection of translated ancient Hebrew & Greek Texts we call the Bible. Each Tuesday we will also be watching an animated video that will help us see the structure and the flow of the Bible as we explore it book by book.

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These videos produced by the "Bible Project" are a wonderful tool, helping to draw connections and visualize themes in scripture that are difficult to see when reading chapter by chapter. Together we will be tackling some tough questions such as:


  • Why did God send the plagues on Egypt?

  • Why did the Ark of the Covenant kill people?

  • Should we follow the Law?


So please join us Tuesday nights as we discuss, and break down the Word of God.


Tuesday Nights

5pm - 6pm

Meeting @

Gethsemane Christian


1628 Babcock Lane


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